Dropping April 30th, Poland’s own Loathfinder is set to release their new EP, The Great Tired Ones, via indy label Godz ov War. Loathfinder is an acquired taste among metal bands, definitely unique in their sound, bringing their own flavor of sludge metal in these four haunting tracks.
What The Great Tired Ones lacks in fast paced, energetic sound it makes up for by masterfully crafting a doom and gloom, bleak sonic underworld. The lyrics are grim and abysmal, the riffs creep under your skin as one takes the bleak journey through this EP, one such track “Scents of Regression” does a particularly great job of creating a soundscape Cthulu itself would jam out to.
All in all The Great Tired Ones is good break from the typical speedy blast beat filled black metal style bands Poland is renowned for but it may not be every metal head’s cup of tea of you’re looking for something a little more fast paced.
The video for the track "Genetic Gloom" is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmGtrluYHzg&feature=youtu.be
I. Genetic Gloom
I. Genetic Gloom
II. Feast on my Entrails
III. Scents of Regression
IV. The Great Tired Ones
Check out Loathfinder here:
Written by Ken Kaizer for Bloodrock Media on March 31, 2017
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